About Us

“Fun, education, and well-being 

are three pillars of a fulfilling life. 

We believe in nurturing all three.”

Just See Me CIC is a vibrant community-focused company with a mission to improve the lives of people living in the City of Birmingham and surrounding areas. Through a range of engaging activities and workshops, we strive to promote talent, skill, and personal development, with a particular focus on the performing arts.

Our team of experienced instructors are passionate about helping people of all ages and backgrounds discover and develop their creativity. Whether you're a seasoned performer or a complete beginner, we have a workshop that will inspire you to explore your talents and reach your full potential.

In addition to our performing arts workshops, we also provide support and resources for the older generation to connect with technology and utilise their creativity. By promoting intergenerational storytelling and skill-sharing, we strive to bridge the gap between different generations and create a sense of community and belonging.

At Just See Me CIC, we are committed to making a positive impact in our local community. We believe that by providing access to creative activities and opportunities for personal growth, we can help people lead more fulfilling and meaningful lives. Join us today and let's discover your potential together.

“We are committed to promoting creativity, inclusivity, and personal growth. We believe that by fostering these values, we can help individuals of all ages and backgrounds to thrive and achieve their goals.”


Come As You Are

Discussion sessions 

Join us for Come As You Are, a safe and nonjudgmental gathering for young people ages 15 to 18, where you can engage in meaningful discussions about the topics that matter most to you.

poster for up coming event at just see me cic
contact page

Let's talk! Contact us


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