The official logo for just see me cic


“Fun, education, and well-being 

are three pillars of a fulfilling life. 

We believe in nurturing all three.”

Fun and games in door basketball
subjects covered at just see me
Topic covered at just see me
Space at just see me our chill out pod
our live pod casting area at just see me cic
motivation statement at just see me
topic disscused at just see me cic
in door basketball at just see me

“We are committed to promoting creativity, inclusivity, and personal growth. We believe that by fostering these values, we can help individuals of all ages and backgrounds to thrive and achieve their goals.”


Come As You Are

Discussion sessions 

Join us for Come As You Are, a safe and nonjudgmental gathering for young people ages 15 to 18, where you can engage in meaningful discussions about the topics that matter most to you.

event poster for up coming event
event poster for up coming event

Let's talk! Contact us


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